Let me start this post off just by saying:
I am a complete and total idiot.
Okay, now that we have gotten that out the way, let me continue my story.
So, sometimes when I'm bored/lonely I ask random internet people to write me letters on Mystery Google. Now, I know by now Natey is saying WTF BAD IDEA MARLEE. I know Natey, calm down. I will explain. Usually the letters are just funny stories that make me laugh. But occasionally they're people asking for advice, or just wanting to talk. So sometimes I answer those. Okay, I lied. Most of the time I answer those. And usually we have conversations that last for like 20 minutes and then it's over and that's the end of it. I KNOW YOU THINK THIS IS WEIRD, NATEY. BUT STACEY UNDERSTANDS. IT'S NORMAL.
So two nights ago, I was having one of those similar situations. It was with this guy my age named Nick who lived in Michigan. We were just having a conversation, and the conversation just turned into questions about ourselves and blah blah blah. He didn't know my real name or anything, so I didn't think anything of it. And talking turned into a bit of flirting and STFU NATE I KNOW YOU'RE SPAZZING OUT BY NOW. So basically it was a bad idea, but I was feeling kind of sad because it was the 6 month anniversary of me not talking to the R and yeah. And then it got kind of weird. He asked about my long distance phone plan, and how he was angry that I didn't live closer, and how I felt about long distance relationships. I KNOW YOU ARE BASICALLY ON THE PHONE WITH THE POLICE RIGHT NOW, NATEY. CALM DOWN. So then I figured I should probably figure out who this guy is. So after insane google searching, because I had tried to find his facebook and failed, I finally found his facebook profile.
And let's just say.....there are few words to describe him. He reminded me of Chris Farley. Only fatter and creepier looking. NATE I KNOW YOU ARE SAYING I TOLD YOU SO BY NOW, AND I KNOW. IT WAS A TOTAL I TOLD YOU SO MOMENT. I GET IT.
So there are 3 lessons from this story:
1) Don't form relationships with people on Mystery Google. Unless you are Stacey, who seems to have extreme luck with finding the insane romantic cute ones.
2) If you do happen to be forming a relationship on Mystery Google, FIGURE OUT WHO THE FUCK THEY ARE FIRST. JUST A TIDBIT OF ADVICE.
3) Don't ever trust Republicans.
So now I should get back to studying for midterms. AKA watching more TV.