Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Okay. Nothing happened today (I actually stayed at home all day and watched SNL. Legit.) So instead of the regular 10 things I did today, I did another kind of list:

10 reasons the R might be ignoring me:
1) The message didn't go through
2) He hates me and never wants to talk to me again for some reason I am not aware of
3) He has found out somehow that I am an insane stalker and never wants to have anything to do with me again because he thinks I'm creepy
4) He's pulling an Edward and has decided that it is better for us not to be in each other's lives anymore (WHICH, IF THIS IS THE CASE, SHOULD HAVE BEEN ACCOMPANIED BY AN INSANE ROMANTIC GOODBYE SCENE)
5) He feels really awkward talking to me because he's actually completely in love with me and thinks that I don't love him because of the awkward MOR incident
6) He forgot about it
7) One of my friends wrote him a secret letter telling him to ignore me, in which case I would be very angry at said friend
8) He's actually in the CIA and can't talk to me because his superiors have ordered him not to
9) His friends have peer pressured him into ignoring me
10) He has decided to only associate himself with other republicans and has ditched all his democrat friends who are all feeling equally confused

It has to be one of those. There are legit no other explanations. FML.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Too tired to write much. Went out with Nate and Sienna, it was fun. The end.

10 things I learned today:
1) Frozen salmon patties are not good. At all.
2) Discovering new places that have always been there is fun.
3) Everything is made more entertaining when you have a camera to record it.
4) People just don't like responding to my messages. Ever. FML.
5) Not knowing what colleges I applied to can lead to extreme embarrassment.
6) I really miss talking to Ben and Danny.
7) Having cash and not just a debit card is useful.
8) Making two New Year's plans with two different people probably wasn't a good idea.
9) There are at least 13 Jack Sparrows on each block of Hollywood blvd.
10) I really need to hook up with someone. It's getting ridiculous.

10 things I will accomplish in the near future:
1) Yearbook stuff
2) Do laundry
3) Clean room
4) Stop thinking about the R
5) Stop thinking about certain other people not answering my messages
6) Start reading another book and stop watching SNL
7) Go to a party and get insanely drunk and forget about everything
8) Get new jeans
9) Stop thinking of insane situations that could cause people to not answer your messages
10) Stop being sad for no reason

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Okay, so I've decided to restart a blog, because I feel like it and I forgot the e-mail address I used for my old one. So a new one it is!

10 things I learned today:

1) Eating 10 peppermint bark bars without taking my meds is a bad idea.
2) My dad will not apologize for his stupid yelling, but he will buy me things instead of admitting he's wrong.
3) When buying shoes, always check that they are the same size so as to not look like a complete idiot when paying for them.
4) Listening to sad, I'm-not-over-you music: bad idea.
5) Reading sappy romantic novels, no matter how good they are: bad idea.
6) Feeling kind of excited and jittery when emailing 35 year old I met on a plane: REALLY bad idea
7) No matter how much I feel the message I sent the R didn't go through, it did go through and therefore sending another one is a stupid and pointless idea
8) Being annoyed about the R will do me no good and will just make me sad and frustrated.
9) Old SNL skits will temporarily make me forget my troubles.
10) Remembering what email address I used for my blog would have been really useful.

10 things I will accomplish in the near future:
1) Do senior page
2) Do yearbook design stuff
3) Stop thinking about the R
4) Get out more
5) Find Lance paper to mail to Wheaton
6) Find something else to do besides watching SNL skits
7) Stop obsessing over Fishville. If the fish die, they aren't REALLY dead fish. They're just dead pixels or something. So stop.
8) Get a boyfriend. BBP!
9) Stop eating peppermint bark. See what I learned today #1
10) Did I mention stop thinking about the R?

I feel weird publishing all this to the internet. It was the reason I stopped my blog before actually. I just felt that anyone could find it, and I would be horribly embarrassed and everyone would make fun of me, etc. But I like the idea now. It feels kind of....risky. And I'm not a risky person. And I think I'm going to give the blog address out to less people than last time, now. I don't want people judging me as much as they did last time. I dunno. I just wanted to start writing stuff down again. And you can't lose memories on the internet, so I can look back on this in the future and look at how stupid I was. Or something like that.

Okay, I'm done for today. Onto SNL and Fishville. Of course.